Constraint-based analysis


framed implements several methods for simulating constraint-based models. Here are some examples:

from framed import FBA
solution = FBA(model)
print solution
Objective: 0.873921506968
Status: Optimal

All other simulation methods have a similar interface, just try:

from framed import pFBA, looplessFBA, MOMA, lMOMA, ROOM

If you have multiple solvers installed, you can tell framed to use a different solver:

from framed import set_default_solver

The simulation methods accept several additional arguments. Many of these arguments allow you to modify simulation parameters without changing the model.

For instance, you can easily change the model objective:

print FBA(model, objective={'R_ATPM': 1})
Objective: 175.0
Status: Optimal

You can also define additional constraints that will override the constraints in the model.

Note: The constraints can be specified as an interval or as a fixed value:

solution = pFBA(model, constraints={'R_EX_glc_e': (-5, 0), 'R_EX_o2_e': 0})

The solution object is interactive and you can use it for analysing different aspects of your results:

print solution.show_values(pattern='R_EX_')
R_EX_co2_e    22.8098
R_EX_glc_e   -10
R_EX_h_e      17.5309
R_EX_h2o_e    29.1758
R_EX_nh4_e   -4.76532
R_EX_o2_e    -21.7995
R_EX_pi_e    -3.2149
print solution.show_metabolite_balance('M_g6p_c', model)
[ --> o ] R_GLCpts      10
[ o --> ] R_Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM -0.179154
[ o --> ] R_G6PDH2r    -4.95998
[ o --> ] R_PGI        -4.86086
print solution.show_metabolite_balance('M_g6p_c', model, percentage=True, sort=True)
[ --> o ] R_GLCpts      100.00%
[ o --> ] R_G6PDH2r    -49.60%
[ o --> ] R_PGI        -48.61%
[ o --> ] R_Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM -1.79%

Flux variability analysis

To run flux variability analysis (FVA) just try:

from framed import FVA
result = FVA(model)

You can specify additional arguments such as required fraction of objective function

FVA(model, obj_percentage=0.9)

Since FVA is sensitive to the environmental conditions, you can easily override the model constraints:

FVA(model, constraints={'R_EX_o2': 0})

To speed-up computations, you can additionally specify a list of reactions that you are interested in analysing:

FVA(model, reactions=['R_PGI', 'R_PFK', 'R_PYK'])

If you just want to find and remove blocked reactions, then simply run:

from framed import blocked_reactions
blocked = blocked_reactions(model)

Better yet, if you can use the simplify method, which will also remove dead-end metabolites:

from framed import simplify

Gene/reaction deletions

You can easily simulate gene and/or reaction deletions:

from framed import gene_deletion
genes = ['G_b2465', 'G_b2935']
solution = gene_deletion(model, genes)
from framed import reaction_deletion
reactions = ['R_PGI', 'R_PFK']
solution = reaction_deletion(model, reactions)

You can easily change the simulation method to any method available in framed:

gene_deletion(model, genes, method='pFBA')
gene_deletion(model, genes, method='MOMA')
gene_deletion(model, genes, method='lMOMA')
gene_deletion(model, genes, method='ROOM')

As always, you can easily override the model constraints without changing the model:

gene_deletion(model, genes, constraints={'R_EX_o2_e': 0})

Gene/reaction essentiality

You can calculate the set of essential genes (or reactions) as follows:

from framed import essential_genes
essential = essential_genes(model)
from framed import essential_reactions
essential = essential_reactions(model)

You can change the minimum growth threshold for which you consider a deletion to be lethal.

Let’s be more conservative and set it to 20% of the original growth rate:

essential_genes(model, min_growth=0.2)

Remember, gene (and reaction) essentiality is very much depedent on the environmental conditions.

Let’s try changing the carbon source:

essential_genes(model, constraints={'R_EX_glc_e': 0, 'R_EX_fru_e': (-10, 0)})

Omics-based methods

There are currently two simulation methods based on transcriptomics data implemented:


from framed import GIMME
solution = GIMME(model, gene_expression)

Additional arguments (cutoff percentile, growth fraction) can be specified:

GIMME(model, gene_expression, cutoff=25, growth_frac=0.9)


from framed import eFlux:
solution = eFlux(model, gene_expression)

Additional arguments can be specified to scale the reaction rates to flux units using a measured reaction rate:

eFlux(model, gene_expression, scale_rxn='R_EX_glc_e', scale_value=11.5)

Strain design

framed doesn’t aim to be a strain design package. For that try Cameo instead.

Nonetheless, a few naive strain design methods are provided.

The first is a brute force approach that tries all possible combinations of gene/reaction deletions.

from framed import combinatorial_gene_deletion
objective = lambda x: x['R_EX_succ_e']
solutions = combinatorial_gene_deletion(model, objective, max_dels=3)
from framed import combinatorial_reaction_deletion
objective = lambda v: v['R_EX_succ_e']
solutions = combinatorial_reaction_deletion(model, objective, max_dels=3)

You can define more complex objective functions such as the BPCY, and you can easily change the simulation method:

biomass = model.detect_biomass_reaction()
BPCY = lambda v: v[biomass] * v['R_EX_succ_e'] / v['R_EX_glc_e']
solutions = combinatorial_gene_deletion(model, BPCY, method='MOMA', max_dels=3)

The other method is a heuristic hill-climbing approach:

from framed import greedy_gene_deletion
objective = lambda x: x['R_EX_succ_e']
solutions = greedy_gene_deletion(model, objective, max_dels=5)
from framed import greedy_reaction_deletion
objective = lambda x: x['R_EX_succ_e']
solutions = greedy_reaction_deletion(model, objective, max_dels=5)

You can fine-tune the balance between size of search space and speed by adjusting the population size:

solutions = greedy_gene_deletion(model, objective, max_dels=5, pop_size=20)


framed provides some built-in plotting utilities. For instance, you can plot a flux envelope:

from framed import plot_flux_envelope
plot_flux_envelope(model, 'R_EX_o2_e', 'R_EX_glc_e')